Welcome to Datascom!

These terms and conditions outline the rules and regulations for using our website, located at [insert Datascom website URL]. By accessing our website, you agree to these terms. If you disagree, please refrain from using our services.


1. Payment and Service Delivery

Note: Shared hosting does not offer Terminal/SSH access due to security reasons.


Datascom Suspension & Cancellation Policy


There are several reasons why your website might be suspended or cancelled. The most common reason is overdue payment.

Possible Reasons for Suspension or Cancellation:

  1. Overdue Payment: Accounts with overdue payments may be suspended. Once the payment is settled, the account can be reactivated.

  2. Malware: Any malicious software detected on your account will be treated as a security risk, leading to suspension or cancellation.

  3. Phishing: Engaging in phishing activities will result in immediate suspension and potential legal consequences.

  4. High Resource Usage: Exceeding your allocated resource limits can cause suspension.

  5. Spam: Sending or receiving bulk email or spam is strictly prohibited. Accounts involved in such activities may be suspended or terminated.

  6. Copyright Infringement: Claims of copyright infringement against your website data may lead to suspension or termination.

  7. Adult Content: Hosting adult content, including pornography, is prohibited. Accounts violating this rule will be suspended or terminated.

  8. Gambling Sites: Promoting or hosting gambling sites is against our terms and may result in account termination.

  9. Illegal Activities: Engaging in illegal activities that violate government laws or regulations will lead to suspension or termination.

Note: If your account is suspended, you will see a suspension notice when trying to access your website. Open a support ticket to inquire about the reason for suspension and take necessary corrective actions.


Datascom Transfer Policy

3. Transfer Policy

Important: You are solely responsible for backing up your data before and after the transfer process.


Datascom Renew Policy

A. Domain Renewal

B. Hosting Renewal

By using Datascom's services, you agree to these renewal policies.


Datascom Backup Policy

5. Backup Policy

By using Datascom's services, you acknowledge and agree to these backup policies.


Datascom Free Domain Service

6. Free Domain Service

By using Datascom's services, you acknowledge and agree to these free domain service policies.


Datascom License

Unless otherwise stated, Datascom and/or its licensors own the intellectual property rights for all material on the Datascom website ([insert website URL]). All intellectual property rights are reserved.

You are granted limited permission to access and use our website for personal purposes only, subject to the restrictions set in these terms and conditions.

You are prohibited from:

This agreement is effective from the date of your access to the Datascom website.

User-Generated Content:

This website may offer opportunities for users to post comments and interact with each other. Datascom does not pre-screen, edit, publish, or review comments before they appear on the website. These comments do not reflect the views and opinions of Datascom, its agents, or affiliates. They represent the viewpoints of the individuals who post them.

To the extent permitted by law, Datascom shall not be liable for any comments or for any damages or expenses caused by the use, posting, or appearance of comments on this website.

Datascom reserves the right to monitor all comments and remove any that are deemed inappropriate, offensive, or in breach of these terms and conditions.


By posting comments on the Datascom website, you warrant and represent that:   

 1.  moneyopertunity.com 


You hereby grant Datascom a non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, edit, and authorize others to use, reproduce, and edit any of your comments in any


Datascom Linking Policy

Organizations that may link to our website without prior written approval:

Link requirements:

Organizations for whom we may consider link requests:

Link requirements for approved organizations:

How to request a link:

Organizations interested in linking to our website should send an email to Datascom, including:

Allow 2-3 weeks for a response.

Approved linking methods:

Logos and artwork:

Linking cannot use Datascom's logo or other artwork without a trademark license agreement.


Datascom Indemnity

You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Datascom, its officers, employees, agents, and third-party service providers from and against any and all claims, demands, costs, expenses, losses, liabilities, and damages of every kind and nature imposed upon or incurred by Datascom directly or indirectly arising from:  

The indemnification obligations under this section shall survive any termination or expiration of this Agreement or your use of the Datascom website or services. 
By using Datascom's services, you acknowledge and agree to this indemnity clause.


Datascom Refund Policy

10. Refund Policy

Non-Refundable Services:

Refund Requests:

To request a refund, please submit a ticket and include the following information:

Datascom reserves the right to change or modify these refund policies at any time.

By using Datascom's services, you acknowledge and agree to these refund policies.


Datascom Non-Refundable Services

10. Non-Refundable Services

By using Datascom's services, you acknowledge and agree that these services are non-refundable.


Datascom Refund Requests

If you believe you are eligible for a refund, please submit a support ticket.

Your refund request must include the following information:

By using Datascom's services, you acknowledge and agree to these refund request procedures.


Datascom Legal Compliance

11. Legal Compliance



These Terms and Policies are governed in all respects under Bangladesh laws and International Laws.


Datascom Reservation of Rights

12. Reservation of Rights

13. Removal of Links

If you find any offensive links on our website, please contact us to report them. We will consider removing such links but are not obligated to do so or respond directly.

Disclaimer: Datascom does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or availability of the information on our website, nor do we promise to keep the website content up-to-date.


Datascom Termination Policy

Domain Termination

Datascom may terminate your access to the services, including deletion or confiscation of files, content, and/or domain name registrations, without notice, if:

Hosting Package Termination

Note: Datascom is not responsible for any data loss or other consequences resulting from account termination.

By using Datascom's services, you agree to these termination policies.


Datascom Cron Jobs and Late Payments

15. Cron Jobs

A cron job is a Linux command used to schedule tasks automatically. To use cron jobs effectively, you should be familiar with Linux commands.

16. Late Payment

All invoices must be paid within seven days of the due date. Late payments may lead to suspension or termination of services. Account access will be restricted until payment is received. Failure to pay fees may result in account suspension or termination and additional collection costs, including legal fees. Datascom will not activate new orders or packages for customers with negative account balances.

17. Disclaimers

To the maximum extent permitted by law, Datascom excludes all representations, warranties, and conditions relating to our website and its use. This disclaimer does not limit or exclude liability for death, personal injury, fraud, or fraudulent misrepresentation. Any limitations or prohibitions of liability set forth in this disclaimer are subject to applicable law.   


Datascom is not liable for any loss or damage arising from the use of our website or services, provided they are offered free of charge.

By using Datascom's services, you acknowledge and agree to these terms regarding cron jobs, late payments, and disclaimers.


Datascom Resource Usage and System Abuse

18. Resource Usage

Users are prohibited from exceeding their allocated resource limits. Continuous resource usage exceeding 30% of your plan will not be allowed.

18.1 System Abuse

Using the service in a manner that violates any applicable laws, regulations, or intellectual property rights is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to:

18.2 Security

You agree not to access unauthorized areas of the service and to notify Datascom immediately of any unauthorized access or security breach.

18.3 Intellectual Property

Datascom does not review user content but will take action upon receiving complaints regarding copyright infringement.

18.4 Liability

You agree that using the service is at your own risk. Datascom is not responsible for the accuracy of third-party materials or content accessed through the service. You are solely responsible for your postings and agree to indemnify Datascom for any claims arising from them.

18.5 Voice Communications

Datascom does not act as a telecommunications carrier, and the quality of voice communications using the service is not guaranteed.

18.6 Damages

You are liable for any damages or loss of service resulting from spamming or other violations of this section.

18.7 Financial Liability

Datascom has no financial liability to you under any circumstances.

18.8 Warranty

Datascom provides the service and any software "as is" and does not guarantee that they will be error-free, uninterrupted, or secure. Datascom does not guarantee the security or backup of your data stored on the service.

By using Datascom's services, you acknowledge and agree to these terms regarding resource usage and system abuse.


Datascom Content Liability

Datascom is not responsible for any content that appears on your website.

You agree to protect and defend Datascom against all claims arising from your website. No links should appear on your website that could be interpreted as libelous, obscene, or criminal, or that infringe or violate any third-party rights.   

By using Datascom's services, you acknowledge and agree to this content liability clause.